Residential Rentals in Huntingdon:
Nothing Currently Available
PENDING - a pending lease exists and the unit is most likely no longer available.
Residential Waiting List:
All currently available and known upcoming rentals are listed above. If you are looking for a residential rental and would like to add your name to our waiting list for future openings, please complete our waiting list form. We will contact you immediately when we have an opening that matches your needs.
All currently available and known upcoming rentals are listed above. If you are looking for a residential rental and would like to add your name to our waiting list for future openings, please complete our waiting list form. We will contact you immediately when we have an opening that matches your needs.
Commercial/Storage Rentals in Huntingdon:
808/810 Mifflin Street - 2nd Floor Studio/Commercial Space
808/810 Mifflin Street - 2nd Floor Studio/Commercial Space
Properties For Sale:
Any single family home listed above are available For Sale. Inquire for pricing and details.
Any single family home listed above are available For Sale. Inquire for pricing and details.